Crucial Conversations Workshop

Date Wednesday 26th June, 2024

Location London, SE1 8QW

Duration 09:30 - 13:00

Cost £497 + VAT

Develop the skills to feel confident during difficult conversations by exploring feedback and influencing techniques.

Unlike traditional workshops, you’ll learn through immersive methods of dynamic role play, interactive exercises, and real-life scenarios. You’ll also collaborate with others in breakout sessions and build confidence through targeted feedback and coaching.

Programme Overview

Is it right for me?

This course is designed for individuals who frequently engage in challenging or crucial conversations within professional settings. This could be with clients, colleagues, stakeholders, or team members.

Whether these interactions occur virtually or face-to-face, you should be eager to enhance your communication skills and confidence in managing difficult discussions effectively.

If you’re looking to develop strategies for navigating tough conversations, providing constructive feedback, and influencing outcomes positively, this course is a valuable opportunity for you.

What will the learning outcomes be?

Participants will gain insights into effective communication strategies through models like the Relationship Model and Thomas Kilman handling conflict model.

Through exploration of feedback models like the BEERS feedback model and Transactional Analysis, participants will learn to give and receive feedback constructively. 

The course will introduce participants to the Influencing Model, allowing them to explore push/pull techniques and understand different influencing styles. 

Utilising the Thomas Kilman handling conflict model, participants will identify their conflict resolution tendencies and learn strategies for managing conflicts effectively. 

Through interactive activities like role-playing and forum theatre, participants will have opportunities to apply the learned models and techniques in simulated scenarios relevant to their professional contexts. 

Delivery Style


Experiential & interactive

Workshop elements

Role play – Frameworks – Forum theatre – Live scenarios – Breakout sessions


09:30 – 13:00

